Source code for gp_emulator.GaussianProcess

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import warnings

import numpy as np

import scipy.spatial.distance as dist

def k_fold_cross_validation(X, K, randomise=False):
    Generates K (training, validation) pairs from the items in X.

    Each pair is a partition of X, where validation is an iterable
    of length len(X)/K. So each training iterable is of length (K-1)*len(X)/K.

    If randomise is true, a copy of X is shuffled before partitioning,
    otherwise its order is preserved in training and validation.
    ## {{{ (r3)
    if randomise:
        X = list(X)
    for k in range(K):
        training = [x for i, x in enumerate(X) if i % K != k]
        validation = [x for i, x in enumerate(X) if i % K == k]
        yield training, validation

[docs]class GaussianProcess(object): """ A simple class for Gaussian Process emulation. Currently, it assumes a squared exponential covariance function, but other covariance functions ought to be possible and easy to implement. """ def __init__(self, inputs=None, targets=None, emulator_file=None): """The inputs are the input vectors, whereas the targets are the emulated model outputs. Parameters ----------- inputs: array size (Ntrain x Ninputs) An input array of size Ntrain * Ninputs (Ntrain is the number of training samples, Ninputs is the dimensionality of the input vector) targets: array size Ntrain The model outputs corresponding to the ``inputs`` training set """ if emulator_file is None: if inputs is None: raise ValueError("No emulator file given, inputs can't be empty") if targets is None: raise ValueError("No emulator file given, targets can't be empty") self.inputs = inputs self.targets = targets (self.n, self.D) = self.inputs.shape else: if inputs is not None: raise ValueError("Can't have both emulator file and input") if targets is not None: raise ValueError("Can't have both emulator file and training") self._load_emulator(emulator_file) def _load_emulator(self, emulator_file): """Reads in emulator from npz file We read in an emulator parameterisation from an npz file. """ emulator_f = np.load(emulator_file) self.emulator_file = emulator_file self.inputs = emulator_f['inputs'] self.targets = emulator_f['targets'] (self.n, self.D) = self.inputs.shape self.theta = emulator_f['theta'] self._set_params(self.theta)
[docs] def save_emulator(self, emulator_file): """Save emulator to disk as npz FileExistsError Saves an emulator to disk using an npz file. """ np.savez(emulator_file, inputs=self.inputs, targets=self.targets, theta=self.theta)
def _prepare_likelihood(self): """ This method precalculates matrices and stuff required for the i log-likelihood maximisation routine, so that they can be reused when calling the ``predict`` method repeatedly. """ # Exponentiate the hyperparameters exp_theta = np.exp(self.theta) # Calculation of the covariance matrix Q using theta self.Z = dist.cdist(np.sqrt(exp_theta[: (self.D)])*self.inputs, np.sqrt(exp_theta[: (self.D)])*self.inputs, "sqeuclidean") self.Z = exp_theta[self.D] * np.exp(-0.5 * self.Z) self.Q = self.Z + exp_theta[self.D + 1] * np.eye(self.n) L = np.linalg.cholesky(self.Q) self.invQ = np.linalg.inv(L.T).dot(np.linalg.inv(L)) # self.invQ = np.linalg.inv ( self.Q ) self.invQt =, self.targets) self.logdetQ = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
[docs] def loglikelihood(self, theta): """Calculates the loglikelihood for a set of hyperparameters ``theta``. The size of ``theta`` is given by the dimensions of the input vector to the model to be emulated. Parameters ---------- theta: array Hyperparameters """ self._set_params(theta) loglikelihood = ( 0.5 * self.logdetQ + 0.5 *, self.invQt) + 0.5 * self.n * np.log(2. * np.pi) ) self.current_theta = theta self.current_loglikelihood = loglikelihood return loglikelihood
[docs] def partial_devs(self, theta): """This function calculates the partial derivatives of the cost function as a function of the hyperameters, and is only needed during GP training. Parameters ----------- theta: array Hyperparameter set """ partial_d = np.zeros(self.D + 2) for d in range(self.D): V = ( ( ( np.tile(self.inputs[:, d], (self.n, 1)) - np.tile(self.inputs[:, d], (self.n, 1)).T ) ) ** 2 ).T * self.Z partial_d[d] = ( np.exp(self.theta[d]) * (,, self.invQt)) - np.sum(self.invQ * V)) / 4. ) partial_d[self.D] = 0.5 * np.sum(self.invQ * self.Z) - 0.5 * self.invQt,, self.invQt) ) partial_d[self.D + 1] = 0.5 * np.trace(self.invQ) * np.exp( self.theta[self.D + 1] ) - 0.5 *, self.invQt) * np.exp(self.theta[self.D + 1]) return partial_d
def _set_params(self, theta): """Sets the hyperparameters, and thus also precalculates terms that depend on them. Since hyperparameters are fixed after training, this speeds up some calculations. Parameters ----------- theta: array hyperparameters """ self.theta = theta self._prepare_likelihood() def _learn(self, theta0, verbose): """The training method, called ''learn'' to keep up with the trendy Machine Learning kids! Takes an initial guess of the hyperparameters, and minimises that through a gradient descent algorithm, using methods ``likelihood`` and ``partial_devs`` to select hyperparameters that result in a minimal log-likelihood. Parameters ----------- theta0: array Hyperparameters verbose: flag Whether to provide lots of information on the minimiation. Useful to see whether its fitting or not for some hairy problems. """ # minimise self.loglikelihood (with self.partial_devs) to learn # theta from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b self._set_params(theta0) if verbose: iprint = 1 else: iprint = -1 try: # theta_opt = fmin_cg ( self.loglikelihood, # theta0, fprime = self.partial_devs, \ # full_output=True, \ # retall = 1, disp=1 ) theta_opt = fmin_l_bfgs_b( self.loglikelihood, theta0, fprime=self.partial_devs, factr=0.1, pgtol=1e-20, iprint=iprint, ) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: warnings.warn( "Optimisation resulted in linear algebra error. " + "Returning last loglikelihood calculated, but this is fishy", RuntimeWarning, ) # theta_opt = [ self.current_theta, self.current_loglikelihood ] theta_opt = [self.current_theta, 9999] return theta_opt
[docs] def learn_hyperparameters(self, n_tries=15, verbose=False, x0=None): """User method to fit the hyperparameters of the model, using random initialisations of parameters. The user should provide a number of tries (e.g. how many random starting points to avoid local minima), and whether it wants lots of information to be reported back. Parameters ----------- n_tries: int, optional Number of random starting points verbose: flag, optional How much information to parrot (e.g. convergence of the minimisation algorithm) x0: array, optional If you want to start the learning process with a particular vector, set it up here. """ log_like = [] params = [] first = True for theta in 5. * (np.random.rand(n_tries, self.D + 2) - 0.5): if first and x0 is not None: first = False theta = x0 T = self._learn(theta, verbose) log_like.append(T[1]) params.append(T[0]) log_like = np.array(log_like) idx = np.argsort(log_like)[0] print("After %d, the minimum cost was %e" % (n_tries, log_like[idx])) self._set_params(params[idx]) return (log_like[idx], params[idx])
[docs] def predict(self, testing, do_deriv=True, do_unc=True): """Make a prediction for a set of input vectors, as well as calculate the partial derivatives of the emulated model, and optionally, the "emulation uncertainty". Parameters ----------- testing: array, size Npred * Ninputs The size of this array (and it must always be a 2D array!) is given by the number of input vectors that will be run through the emulator times the input vector size. do_unc: flag, optional Calculate the uncertainty (if you don't set this flag, it can shave a few us. do_deriv: flag, optional Whether to calculate the partial derivatives of the emulated model. Returns ------- Three parameters (the mean, the variance and the partial derivatives) If some of those outputs have been left out, they are returned as `None` elements. """ (nn, D) = testing.shape assert D == self.D expX = np.exp(self.theta) a = dist.cdist( np.sqrt(expX[: (self.D)]) * self.inputs, np.sqrt(expX[: (self.D)]) * testing, "sqeuclidean", ) a = expX[self.D] * np.exp(-0.5 * a) b = expX[self.D] mu =, self.invQt) var = None deriv = None if do_unc: var = b - np.sum(a *, a), axis=0) # Derivative and partial derivatives of the function if do_deriv: deriv = np.zeros((nn, self.D)) for d in range(self.D): aa = ( self.inputs[:, d].flatten()[None, :] - testing[:, d].flatten()[:, None] ) c = a * aa.T deriv[:, d] = expX[d] *, self.invQt) return mu, var, deriv
[docs] def hessian(self, testing): """Calculates the hessian of the GP for the testing sample. hessian returns a (nn by d by d) array. """ (nn, D) = testing.shape assert D == self.D expX = np.exp(self.theta) aprime = dist.cdist( np.sqrt(expX[: (self.D)]) * self.inputs, np.sqrt(expX[: (self.D)]) * testing, "sqeuclidean", ) a = expX[self.D] * np.exp(-0.5 * aprime) dd_addition = np.identity(self.D) * expX[: (self.D)] hess = np.zeros((nn, self.D, self.D)) for d in range(self.D): for d2 in range(self.D): aa = ( expX[d] * ( self.inputs[:, d].flatten()[None, :] - testing[:, d].flatten()[:, None] ) * expX[d2] * ( self.inputs[:, d2].flatten()[None, :] - testing[:, d2].flatten()[:, None] ) - dd_addition[d, d2] ) cc = a * (aa.T) hess[:, d, d2] =, self.invQt) return hess
if __name__ == "__main__": np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) # input_obs = np.array ( [[-4, -3, -1, 0, 2]]).T # target1 = np.array ([-2, 0, 1., 2., -1]) # data = np.loadtxt ("mvreg.dat", delimiter="," ) # target1 = data[ :,0] # target2 = data[ :,1] # target3 = data[ :,2] # input_obs = data[ :, 3: ] wheat = np.loadtxt("argentine_wheat.dat")[:, 1:] yields = wheat[:, 0] mu = yields.mean() sigma = yields.std() yields = (yields - mu) / sigma wheat[:, 0] = yields rmse = [] for (train, validate) in k_fold_cross_validation(wheat, 5, randomise=True): train = np.array(train) validate = np.array(validate) yields_t = train[:, 0] inputs_t = train[:, 1:] yields_v = validate[:, 0] inputs_v = validate[:, 1:] gp = GaussianProcess(inputs_t, yields_t) theta_min = gp.learn_hyperparameters(n_tries=2) pred_mu, pred_var, par_dev = gp.predict(inputs_v) print("TEST") print(inputs_v) print(pred_mu, pred_var, par_dev) r = (yields_v - pred_mu) ** 2 # /pred_var rmse.append([np.sqrt(r.mean()), theta_min[1]]) # gp.theta[2] = 0. ######theta = gp.theta ######print theta ######gp.predict ( input_obs ) ######x = np.linspace(-5,5,100) ######(mu, var ) = gp.predict ( x[:, np.newaxis]) ######plt.plot ( x, mu, '-r' ) ######plt.fill_between ( x, mu+np.sqrt(var), mu-np.sqrt(var), color='0.8') #######plt.errorbar ( x, mu, yerr=np.sqrt(var)*0.5 ) ######plt.plot ( input_obs, target1, 'gs' ) ######plt.title("theta: %s" % theta )